New Heaven and New Earth
By Tom K Burk on May 29, 2014

For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. (Matthew 5:18)
If we do not currently have a new heaven and a new earth, would we therefore still be under every stipulation of the Law, many of which focus on animal sacrifices for salvation? The answer to this question requires understanding what is meant by the “passing away” of “heaven and earth,” as well as the terms “New Heaven” and “New Earth.” Of course these terms could refer to a coming atmospheric or comic occurrence. However the Bible does not refer to such a situation. Instead, these terms, when left within the biblical context of prophetic symbolism, shows something quite different.
Isaiah 66:7-24 is about the coming of Jesus and His New Covenant. Isaiah starts this chapter by condemning those who trust in physical things for their salvation. He ends this prophecy with a promise that the “new heaven” and “new earth” (verses 20-23) would be established with Jews and Gentiles, that these groups would be (...)