The following article was submitted by a Scripture Revealed reader Ken Klimaitis.

I wanted to share scriptural truths to help those seeking salvation. I have always wondered why some have accepted the doctrine of the Trinity when you cannot find this term in scriptures. The doctrine of Trinity teaches that there is one God in three persons. When you understand the principle of Aleph/Taw in Hebrew, it represents total completeness. It is hard for our minds to understand total completeness from the beginning to the end.
Spirit and in Truth
Yehweh revealed himself in the form of a quickening Spirit when he overshadowed Mary. The “Y-Chromosome Genome” of the Spirit was infused into Mary to manifest God in the flesh. The Mashiach was the Son of God from the Eternal Spirit of Yehweh, but He was the Son of Man from the flesh of Mary. As the Son of Man, he set the example of how we were to live a humble, holy and righteous life before our Creator. As the Son of God, He manifested the Kingdom of God by His selfless sacrifice of the Cross for our atonement. This duality (...)